About Me

Yeah, so I kind of write everything.
In books I generally stick to “speculative fiction”, which sounds fancy.
I also have written a lot of screenplays that don’t get made usually because the film/tv industry is filled with people whose entire careers are based on things not getting made. I’m luckier than most, I’ve had three films made. Anyway, that’s why I switched back to writing prose.
I have also written a weirdly diverse portfolio of stuff from ghostwriting articles for a real estate influencer to sex scenes for erotic mobile phone games for women in middle America. Ever write a sex scene in an Excel spreadsheet? You don’t want to.
What really inspires me to write though is exploring rebellion in words, thoughts and deeds. Why do people rebel? Why do they not rebel? How do they rebel? What happens when they don’t rebel? Stuff like that.
That and fantastical worlds, often self-contained and hermetically sealed. People on a generation starship. A society in the New York subway system or an abandoned mall. Or a ringworld around a distant sun. Oh, wait… been done.
I like these hermetically sealed worlds because they become a series of tiny social experiments where I can do terrible things to good and bad people and see how they react, without breaching (most) ethical codes.

Oh, below are some of my books, in case you’re interested. You can also sign up for my monthly newsletter.

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